en.wikipedia.org | १९:३२, २८ जून २०२० | (?) | अनिश्चित समय तक रोक लाग है कारण:{{checkuserblock-account}}: Edit warring at 2018 Kerala floods based on a report filed by the user at WP:AN3; refusal to abide by consensus; I twice gave the user an opportunity to promise to abide by the consensus, and each time they repeated their position as if it's mandatory - सम्पादन (सम्पूर्ण साइट)
- खाता बनावै कय रोक लगाए दिहा गा हैं
- आपन बातचीत पन्ना भी संपादन नाइ कै सकत हैँ ।
| ९४७ | extendedconfirmed |